Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Ironic Moustache

Once in a great while The Ironic Moustache adopts an actual ironic mustache. (Note: the spelling change) These rarely last more than few days. Catch one if you can.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

IASPM in Iowa

The International Association for the Study of Popular Music, US Chapter Conference
Iowa City, Iowa. April 25-27, 2008

A couple videos of Sally Tims and Jon Langford fromt he Mekons with Kembrew McLeod:

Complete set at: picasaweb.google.com/colinhelb/IASPMMekonsAndIowa

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Equal time for both parties...

Where did these pictures coming from?

Seventh Circle of Hell

Wow. Who is the mastermind who produced this painting? I would like to buy that person a beer and talk about the process of creating this.
Thank you, Dave. Seriously, no April Fool's involved, thank you. Sincerely.