So, my weird, little--initially research-driven in order to support some stupid point, but now fodder for procrastination--obsession of the day is the tale in which a would-be star is discovered pumping gas.
So far, I've come across
a story involving Toni Braxon, but that is about it.
I was sure, when I made the original point, that the story involved James Dean in some way, but then I dicovered, via a little
wiki-search, that Dean was far less of an overnight sensation than his persona might suggest.
Other celebrities seem to have worked at gas stations.
Was he discovered there?
Clint Eastwood pumped gas for a living.
So, famous people have pumped gas in their pre-fame lives and I am sure that some has-beens and never-weres have pumped gas in their post-fame lives, but who was discovered pumping gas?
Just an urban legend or was someone--I mean, besides Ms. Braxon, because I am sure the archetype of the gas pumping star to-be is older and more traditionally male than her--actually discovered at a gas station and "made into" an overnight star?