Ronald had been working up the nerve to ask Linda to the prom. It wasn't actually Linda's prom, it was just Ronald's. Linda had graduated the year before from Vasco de Gamma High School and was currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Astrology from a nearby progressive junior college. Ronald was impressed by Linda's ambition and would often joke, "College, I mean, wow! Linda's so smart. I can't ever even remember the name of that place, let alone, you know." Most agreed it was barely a joke.
Ronald worked at the Ground Round. Linda also worked there. Ronald as a dishwasher, Linda as a hostess and sometime waitress.
Linda had seen Ronald around. They spoke on occation and even once smoked a joint together in Larry the Cook's van. Linda was in the front seat, Ronald was in the back with a few other guys. Linda never acknowledged anyone in the back the entire time, preferring instead to be bedazzled by Larry's new interior and CB radio.
The day Ronald finally asked Linda to the prom was a special day for Ronald. He had been able to sneak an extra break at work by "just not arguing" when Smitty sent him on break apparently forgetting the fact that Ronald had just had a break. Linda was also on break. After Ronald reminded Linda of who he was, he asked her to the prom. She had missed her own prom the year before for reasons no one knew for sure. She bregrudgingly said yes. Later, Linda would confide in Larry that she just felt so sorry for him.
The weeks leading up to the prom were ones filled with sheer jubilation in Ronald and mild trepidation in Linda. She said she would go so she would go. That was the kind of person she was. Somewhere inside Ronald was aware of this.
Ronald borrowed Larry's van with the instructions that if he fucked anything up, Larry would surely fuck him up. Ronald agreed. He would be careful and even would return the van with the tank "pretty much full."
Ronald dropped Larry off at the bowling alley on his way to pick up Linda. Linda's folks were warm to Ronald noticing that he was a tad nervous. Linda's father had plans to "play the mean dad" but quickly dropped those plans upon being quite impressed with Ronald's clean style.
Linda's mom insisted that the two pose for a picture in front of the Levittowner before they were off to the prom. Both agreed.
Linda's dad got the camera as Linda's mom posed the kids. Linda's dad sanpped the picture.